Second graders work toward the Wolf rank. The Wolf rank is earned by completing seven adventures as described below. Each completed adventure is recognized with a belt loop, generally awarded at the very next Pack Meeting.
1. Complete each of the six required adventures:
- Call of the Wild
- Council Fire (Duty to Country)
- Duty to God Footsteps
- Howling at the Moon
- Paws on the Path
- Running With the Pack
2. In addition to the six required adventures, complete at least one elective adventure of your den’s or family’s choosing.
3. With your parent, guardian, or other caring adult, complete the exercises in the pamphlet entitled How to Protect Your Children From Child Abuse: A Parent’s Guide.
4. Earn the Cyber Chip award for your age. (The Cyber Chip portion of this requirement may be waived by your parent or guardian if you do not have access to the internet.) OR Earn the Protect Yourself Rules Preview Adventure for Wolf.
Details for the Wolf adventures are found in your Wolf handbook and at the Scouting website. As requirements are completed, you can enter them directly via the Scouting mobile app, which connects to ScoutBook..
All the Scouts aim to earn their rank badge (Tiger, Wolf, Bear, Webelos) in time for it to be awarded at the Blue and Gold Banquet pack meeting or at the May “Graduation” Pack Meeting.
Please contact your Wolf Den Leader for more information.
Wolves should wear Class B uniforms (Pack 825 t-shirts) to den meetings unless otherwise noted. For Pack meetings and activities, Wolves should wear Class A uniforms. The Pack runs a uniform exchange, so please donate uniform parts no longer needed, and ask Jim Bedford if you need a uniform or uniform part.
Other Awards
Besides the Wolf Rank and the different Adventures, Wolves can also earn the Cub Scout Outdoor Activity Award, Religious Emblem, World Conservation Award, and STEM Nova and Supernova Awards.