
The Webelos (which stands for WE’ll BE LOyal Scouts) den is for boys and girls in fourth grade. If new to Scouting, the Bobcat Badge is completed prior to working on the grade-specific rank. In earning the Bobcat badge, Scouts learn about the Scout Oath and Law, as well as the Scout Sign, salute, motto, and handshake. Memorization is not required.


Webelos, to mark their approaching transition to Scouts BSA (and leadership and example within the Pack), wear the tan uniform shirt and green pants of the Scouts BSA uniform. Webelos should wear Class B uniforms (Pack 825 t-shirts) to Den meetings unless otherwise noted. For Pack meetings and activities, Scouts should wear Class A uniforms. The Pack runs a uniform exchange, so please donate uniform parts no longer needed, and ask Jim Bedford if you need a uniform or uniform part.

Fourth graders work toward the Webelos rank. The Webelos rank is earned by completing six adventures as described below. Each completed adventure is recognized with a pin, generally awarded at the very next Pack Meeting and worn on the Webelos colors or on the Webelos hat. Scouts who are in Cub Scouts in fourth grade must complete the Webelos rank before working towards their Arrow of Light.

1. Be an active member of your Webelos den for three months.

2. Complete each of the five required adventures:
  • Cast Iron Chef
  • Duty to God and You
  • First Responder
  • Stronger, Faster, Higher
  • Webelos Walkabout
3. In addition to the five required adventures, complete at least one elective adventure of your den’s or family’s choosing.

4. With your parent, guardian, or other caring adult, complete the exercises in the pamphlet entitled How to Protect Your Children From Child Abuse: A Parent’s Guide.

5. Earn the Cyber Chip award for your age. (The Cyber Chip portion of this requirement may be waived by your parent or guardian if you do not have access to the internet.) OR Earn the Protect Yourself Rules Preview Adventure for Webelos.

Fifth graders in the Arrow of Light Den work toward the Arrow of Light rank, the highest rank in Cub Scouting and the only one that is worn on the Scouts BSA uniform. If a fourth-grade Cub Scout has completed the Webelos rank, they may begin to work on the Arrow of Light. The Arrow of Light rank is earned by completing five adventures as described below.
1. Be an active member of your Webelos den for at least six months since completing the fourth grade or for at least six months since becoming 10 years old.

2. Complete each of the four required adventures:
  • Building a Better World
  • Duty to God in Action
  • Outdoor Adventurer
  • Scouting Adventure
3. In addition to the four required adventures, complete at least one elective adventure of your den’s or family’s choosing.

4. With your parent, guardian, or other caring adult, complete the exercises in the pamphlet entitled How to Protect Your Children From Child Abuse: A Parent’s Guide.

5. Earn the Cyber Chip award for your age. (The Cyber Chip portion of this requirement may be waived by your parent or guardian if you do not have access to the internet.) OR Earn the Protect Yourself Rules for Arrow of Light.

Details for the Webelos and Arrow of Light adventures are found in your Webelos handbook and at various Scouting websites. As requirements are completed, you can enter them directly via the Scouting mobile app, which connects to ScoutBook.

All the Scouts aim to earn their rank badge (Tiger, Wolf, Bear, Webelos) in time for it to be awarded at the Blue and Gold Banquet pack meeting or at the May “Graduation” Pack Meeting. When Scouts receive their Arrow of Light at the Blue and Gold Banquet, they cross-over into Scouts BSA and join a Troop.

Please contact your Den Leader for more information.

Other Awards:

Besides the Webelos and Arrow of Light Ranks and the different Adventures, Webelos can also earn the Cub Scout Outdoor Activity Award, Religious Emblem, World Conservation Award, and STEM Nova and Supernova Awards.